black and white bed linen

Soluții Inovatoare

Expertiză în inginerie și managementul fricțiunii pentru soluții personalizate și orientate către client.

Soluții Inovatoare

Oferim soluții personalizate în managementul fricțiunii și știința materialelor pentru clienți internaționali.

Inginerie Avansată

Expertiză în inginerie pentru soluționarea problemelor complexe, adaptate nevoilor clienților noștri.

A man in a suit and tie is posing next to a large industrial turbine or engine component. The setting appears professional and technical, with a focus on machinery.
A man in a suit and tie is posing next to a large industrial turbine or engine component. The setting appears professional and technical, with a focus on machinery.
Management Fricțiune

Servicii specializate în managementul fricțiunii pentru eficiență maximă în procesele industriale.

Soluții Personalizate

Inovație și Calitate
A metal-cutting machine in action, with a saw blade slicing through pipes and coolant fluid being applied to reduce heat and friction. The environment has an industrial and mechanical feel with visible metal shavings and gears.
A metal-cutting machine in action, with a saw blade slicing through pipes and coolant fluid being applied to reduce heat and friction. The environment has an industrial and mechanical feel with visible metal shavings and gears.
A close-up view of a small engine with a curved metal exhaust and a tire in the foreground. The engine appears to be mounted on a framework with a chain drive system. In the background, there are metal structures and a yellow trolley.
A close-up view of a small engine with a curved metal exhaust and a tire in the foreground. The engine appears to be mounted on a framework with a chain drive system. In the background, there are metal structures and a yellow trolley.